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Fearless in the Forest
An Open Door
Journey of Hope
Seasons of Womanhood /
Joyful in Hope

Your Stories

Jean, in these strange days I feel God prompting me to send you some encouragement. Little did we know when you spoke in our church at the beginning of February that within weeks we would be in lockdown!  
During this time a team has been keeping in touch with ladies within the church.  At least three of the ladies I spoke to have each referred to something you said that day.  Of particular encouragement to me has been the number of younger women who have been reading your books - I believe they have even been dropped off on door steps!
That day God used you to speak to one woman who took action, stirred up a team and provided for many children in Uganda. 
Diane McCracken, June 2020

I enjoyed reading An Open Door. It reminded me very much of the biography of Mary Slessor of Calibar. Whilst it is tempting to say that both were remarkable women, they would both probably say that it was their trust in a remarkable God. Both had a deep love for the people they served, and both were dearly loved in return. If you have ever been tempted to say “What can one individual do?”, then reading this book will show you how much one person can achieve when they are wholly trusting in God. Having said that, there are also many other individuals (doctors, pastors, pilots, friends, etc) who make a brief appearance in this story, but without whom Maud's work would have faltered. Read it and be encouraged that ‘in the Lord your labour is not in vain’.

I just wanted to say I bought and finished 'An Open Door' in a few short days. It is sooooooooooooooo good, and I really could not put it down. Faith in God comes from every page and I feel it is just so inspirational, that it really did make me weep, but weep happy tears 🙂. Brilliant is an understatement and I would advise anyone to read it, thank you SO SO much for sharing this book and your talent with the world. God bless
Shirley, November 2019

We are from Lisburn but moved in January this year to work as missionaries in Zimbabwe with SIM. I have been reading and reflecting on the stories of people's lives you describe and have been really moved and encouraged by them. A lot of the stories bear resonance with people's lives here. Your book is beautifully written and you get such a great insight into the lives of these precious people. Thank you. God bless.
Rosaliene Donaldson, May 2017

I am a 22 year old from Australia. I am currently reading 'Journey of Hope' and I am inspired and excited! In 2011 I completed a Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) through the University of Adelaide; this is an agricultural livestock production based program. During my degree I spent 2 weeks in Rwanda and Uganda on a Compassion (Christian Child Sponsorship Organisation) Vision Trip. It changed my life! As a small child I always had a heart for the people of Africa, and actually going there ignited a fire. When I returned I added a special subject with a focus on livestock production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Now I am studying a Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring in Agriculture. My desire, the thing I want most in life, is to work in a role that allows me to use what I have learnt to improve food security and agricultural production through Agricultural Extension in Africa, and then to use my position as a door to introduce people to Jesus. Thank you for doing what you are doing. You are definitely blessed in your gift of writing! Thank you for using that gift for God!
Jessica Bernhardt, January 2013

I have just read your Journey of Hope. I know that God is calling me over to Malawi and I believe that your book has helped me clarify my thoughts. In May this year my parents, my brother, sister and myself went over there for a holiday (except for me, it was more than a holiday). I knew that that country would be my future. Ever since that time, everywhere I looked, God was placing confirmations in my path, be it Malawians, references to Chichewa, words from Scripture, or whatever. A couple of years ago, God gave me a dream, and at the end of that dream, was the reference, Genesis 32:12, "And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude." The first part, I could only say "Amen" to, but the rest didn't make sense to me: I am a bachelor, and I know God wants me to stay that way! All I could think was that it must be referring to a spiritual seed (evangelism, or something, although I don't consider myself an evangelist, and if anywhere needs God's Word, it's the UK). Reading your book, especially the first sentence of Mphatso, "I am a mother of ten children by nine different fathers" referring to orphans made me think that I have probably misunderstood what God was saying. God bless you.
D.B., December 2012

I bought Joyful in Hope at Christmas and again it is excellent. I really enjoyed every chapter. While reading chapter 2 I thought of a girl I work with whose twin boy was diagnosed with autism last year. I brought the book to work for her to read. She thought it was excellent and she said it was so true of how she felt and still feels. She really couldn’t believe that something like that had been written so honestly. She really was glued to it and was trying to read it in between serving customers. She was so pleased to be able to read about someone else in a similar situation - I think she finds it quite lonely at times. I let her keep my copy as she said she would like her family to read it to understand what she is going through. I told her about Care for the Family and about the support you have and the great work you do. She is considering a couple of programmes for her son and she thinks one is very similar to the one described in your book. Thank you for all your help.
Melanie, February 2011

I have just finished reading Joyful in Hope - what an amazing collection of stories. The faith of some of the people is inspirational. I was truly humbled to read what some people have coped with.It was a pleasure to read and be uplifted by their life stories.Prayer is such a powerful force in our lives.
Alison Fairley, January 2011